Services of the Dental@Med office
Below you will find a brief introduction to the services offered by the Dental@Med Dental Practice in Foligno, by Doctors Luca Sebastiani and Lorenzo Paci and some information on the various dental specialties. We remind you that the site does not in any way replace the clinical visit with the professional.
TMJ - Temporo
mandibular joint
The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the "connection point" between the jaw and the skull. We carry out functional rehabilitation treatments.
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It is thanks to the latest technologies, which we make available to our patients, that it has become possible to treat white spots.
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Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the morphology, physiology and pathology of the dental pulp and periradicular tissues.
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Dental veneers
Dental veneers are used to create, through prosthetic structures, a more harmonious smile without alignment defects.
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Gingivitis and Periodontitis
In addition to traditional treatments, we provide patients with laser therapy for the disinfection of the tissues of the periodontal pocket.
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A dental implant is a device resembling a “screw” that is inserted into the jaw to support a prosthetic tooth or group of teeth.
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Digital Print
It is a technique that allows you to acquire 3D images of the patient's mouth in order to create restorations and prostheses without the use of "paste".
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Laser Therapies
The laser is used to treat numerous pathologies and allows the use of anesthetics, bleeding and post-operative complications to be reduced.
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Conservative Dentistry
It is the branch dedicated to the prevention and therapy of lesions of the hard tissues of the dental elements.
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Orthodontics deals with the alignment and repositioning of teeth. We use advanced technologies for a better aesthetic and functional result.
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It allows the correction of a wide spectrum of deformities or anomalies of the facial skeleton and teeth.
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Dental overview
Our practice boasts digital technology for the creation of dental panoramics, teleradiographs (lateral-lateral), study of the TMJ and maxillary sinuses.
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Fixed prosthesis
Our practice carries out fixed prosthesis treatments with attention to the aspect of dental aesthetics, preferring zirconia or metal-free elements.
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Mobile prosthesis
Our studio creates aesthetic removable prostheses using Valplast/Flexite techniques. We stabilize dentures through dental implants.
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Bone Regenerative
It is a surgical technique that allows you to recreate adequate regeneration of the missing bone tissue.
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Teeth whitening
It is the set of products and procedures whose actions interact with the structures of the tooth, bringing it to a whiter state than the original color.
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Facial Scan
It is the new facial scanner that offers you a tool for photorealistic 3D digitization of your face.
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Conscious Sedation
Our practice offers its patients the technology of conscious sedation with nitrous oxide.
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A mask with only an aesthetic function, very thin and removable. It allows you to obtain a very white smile quickly.-smile
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CAT - 3D Cone Beam
An innovative technology that allows you to obtain excellent quality images with lower ray doses than those of a normal CT scan.
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